Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stand Up

Munsyid : Muadz Dzulkifli Al-Masaar

"قم يا فلان فأذن أنه لا يدخل الجنة الا مؤمن"
"ان الله يؤيد الدين برجل فاجر"

Oh you stand up! say it together
None enters paradise save a true believer
Allah shall support this religion
With a sinful man with a wicked man

Some people see barriers
In classes and in colours
Some people are wiser
But some believe they are hollier

Feel the heart of everyone
See through our differences

You and I have the power
Think good of one another
So stand up and take our places
And do what we do better
Spend sometime to know ourselves
Help the other

p.s: demam laaa. x(
dari hari jumaat lg.
dlm mulut ade pecah, bdn sejuk, selseme. hingusan x hengat. homakaihh! :(
nk exam dah ni. tension sgt2 this sem. 
arab kene byk hafal. mslhnye x terhafal2 lg.
quiz maths takley buat. *kecewa gile. maths kot!!
programming x dpt hasil die. madam tunjuk 1 basic example, then soalan die lg susah dari example tu. arrrrr.... blur lg. bile tanye madam, die mara2... madam2.. timkaiii??... :(

nk balik umah lps exm. cepat la sehat. -imy.

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Sekian terima kasih. wekk ;p